Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Little box of wonders.

Ever heard of a Birchbox? We'll let me tell you about this little lovely. It's a special treat that comes straight to my mail box once a month. (Usually around the 14th.) It's almost like Aunt Flo but WAY better. It puts you in a much better mood and you don't want to eat 9lbs of chocolate cake right before it gets here. So here the skinny. You pay $10 a month that comes directly out of your bank account. When you sign up, you're asked all kinds of questions about your skin type, hair texture, and personality. They match it all up and send you samples of the latest and greatest in the beauty industry. Some brands ou have seen before and some are new to the market. All kinds of freakin cool stuff I tell ya. I just got mine yeterday so I'll let you in on my monthly treats. 
Ohhh the anticipation. 
It comes to you wrapped all pretty in this small little box with dainty tissue paper. The small box also makes for awesome gift wrapping boxes. I've even used them for crafty like things. 
So this month the first thing I see is this shampoo and conditioner. Now I'm a hair stylist and I've never seen or hear of this. I have heard of the brand and I've used a serum years ago that I loved so I'm pumped about trying this out. It's paraben free (no heavy waxes to weigh your hair down) plus has macadamia oils in it to keep it smooth. Needless to say, this frizzy headed hot mess hair will be stoked to try it out. 
Next I see the chap stick. Ok blah blah normal ole Chapstick. NOPE! This is a new formula that locks in moisture for 8 hours. I used it today as a lip primer under my lip stick and I'm in love. I also used the lip gloss,which I'm usually not crazy about because I don't like the stickiness of it, but the color was GARRRRgeous! Not to mention, the applicator was like a little wand. Not the kind with magic in it, but one that made precision lines while applying, which is basically the same thing. 
Lastly I received this new perfume. Now when I read about it and saw that stuff was gonna make me small smell like oranges my first reaction was "nah I ain't trynna smell like Sunny D." But I have it a shot anyways and heavens to Betsy I'm in love. I walked around all day sniffing like a crazy lady because I just smelled...smelt... Whatever, just like fall. It was perfect for today's weather and it made me happy. 
This is yet another small thing you can do for YOU. It's affordable. Gives you something to look forward to. And when you sign up I get points that ultimately gives me free stuff. Sooooo.... I'm goin to need y'all to get on that. :) don't worry, I have the link right down there to make it easy. You can also send a gift to a friend, which I have also done, and it makes for happy souls. Which is my ultimate goal in life, which is why I should be president. But that's a different story for a different post. :) until next time guys. Xoxo

Monday, October 14, 2013

Never lose you.

Ok so all of my other posts seem to have turned into being about makeup. Which wasnt where I intended on this blog going. Not that I'm upset because I LOVE make up. Secretly, that's something I would love I do professionally but I still have a long ways to go. Anyhow, this blog was intended for slowing down chaotic schedules and taking time for yourself. If anyone is actually reading consistently, I bet you still haven't done that very thing. So now I'm going to show a few ways, all rolled into one, that I take time to myself at least twice a week. Now I'm not going to take credit and say that I made these products because I didn't. Family and friends made them for me and they are some of my most valued gifts to date. 
Ignore the clutter in my bathroom please but these are bath salts (not the eat folks faces off kind) that my boyfriends extremely organic free spirited amazing hippie sister made me. The one on the left is lavender. It has real lavender in it that floats in the tub as you relax. Perfect before bedtime. The one on the right is called "energize."  It had several scents including lavender and peppermint and is PERFECT for tht long day, terrible headache, I hate the world day. She also made bath bars for me but I used them all before I got a picture. They had more oils than I could name and aloe Vera and like a lemongrass. It made my skin so incredibly moisturized. 
This is a facial scrub a very dear friend of mine made. I know it has like oatmeal (great for tightening skin) in it. And some sort of powdered milk. It's the MOST AMAZING facial scrub. But I know from experience, stay away from around your eyes. Mine were raw for two days. (Rutt row raggy) Also like any other exfoliant, only use it once MMMMMaybe twice a week. 
And this is my favorite candle. It's a soy candle that I got in Pickles Gap. And it has lasted forever! Yes it's called hippie Christmas. I love it, however my boyfriend says it smells like dreadlocks and insence. Rude! It's a very relaxing scent to me. To each his own ya know. 

Ok so once my tornado is all spun out for the night, I combine all of these things. I sit in the hottest bath possible and do one of several things. Close my eyes and accidentally doze off, sing loudly to my  favorite old country songs, or I Facebook creep. Don't judge me.  We all do it otherwise the world would be facebookless. And in the moment of doing exactly what I want, I find my happy spot. Not that I don't love my kid more than life. But Jimminy Crickets, a sister has to have some alone time to do what YOU enjoy. Otherwise, you lose yourself. Never lose you. 

Until next time. Xoxo

The perfect line.

Eye lining. You know what I think about it? Blah. Stupid. I can't draw a straight line to save my life. I've played with liquid liner, pencils, gels. You name it and all of them by then end of the day leave me looking like I just got off my corner shift as the sun was coming up. So I'll show you what has worked best for me this far. I simply use an angled brush. Wet it. And use and eye shadow right against my lash line. I don't make a line. I literally smudge it and smash it right into those suckers. It seems to be better for people (like me) who don't want that harsh black I'm going out for the night look at 630 am when I'm preparing for the day. Pictures? You got it! Lucky you. 
Here's where I start. 
I choose a matte brown. The top middle color is my fave. (Because black seems to be a little too harsh for my fair complexion, light eyes, and light hair)
And I literally dab it right into the lash line. 
Then I'll take a matte black. 
And add a little more color to the outter corners of my eyes. 
Take this miracle brush. They SAY it's a blender brush. I say it's a clean up all my oops I didn't mean to do that brush. 
Then I add mascara. Like I said. It's just what I've found works for me. Now I know I've said this was going to be a chaotic mom blog. So note. Most of the time when I have a full face on this this, I'm off work and my child is either destroying my house or is asleep. Usually Sleeping. That's when most of my time hit me. So. With that said I'm going to post another blog tonight on what I do for me when the child is sleeping. Like I've said a million times, please give me some things you would like to see at least demonstrated. I've done some homemade scrubs, bath bars, teeth whitening, bath salts, crafts. I would love to hear from you guys as to what you may like to see. :) until a few minutes from now :) xoxo

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Highlighting your day.

Just to clarify in the beginning, everyone does this differently. This is just what works for me. Highlighting and contouring can be very tricky and should be tweeked according to face/head shape. I, for example, have a "heart shaped head." As cute as that sounds, it's just a glorified way to say "dang girl yo head is big." I've learned to embrace it by saying it's where I keep all my brains. :/ not sure if that's acceptable past the age of 10, yet I continue with my quirky little joke and move on. So until I get the proper equipment, I'm stuck taking pictures of what I'm doing. I'm doing the best I can here people. Ok so this is it. 
This is the photo right after I've applied foundation and concealer in the left  and on the right are the products I use to highlight and such. Note: I used to use more expensive make up before my tiny tornado was born. Now, I'm playing with different brands until I find something I like so if you have recommendations of wonderful products with wonderful prices feel free to share:) the products will be used in this order: pink compact (Bronzer) with a powder brush. NYC blush with and angled brush. NYC translucent powder applied with my finger. HEY don't judge me! Then physicians formula translucent pearls (LOVE LOVE LOVE) applied with a fan brush. 
I apply the Bronzer with my powder brush sweeping it from what I call the "dip" in my cheek (aka ya cheek meat) to the top outer corner of my cheek bones. Also across the forehead, down each side of the nose, and lightly dusted over the chin and jaw line. Often I'll brush it across my chest just to give it a nice glow. Next. 
I apply my rouge. That's what my Grandma always called it. That's my favorite but we can just call it blush. Here's where face shape really makes a difference. I apply horizontally across my cheek bones to take away from my big ole noggin. And then....
Ignore the pics where it looks like I have a grown man mustache. I'm hoping it's a shadow. Now I take the NYC loose powder and create small "c" like shapes from the top of my brow bone to the top of my cheek bones. Also down the bridge of my nose, around my lips, and jaw line. That one is to blend Bronzer more than anything. Lastly...
I take my fan brush and lightly apply the physicians formula translucent pearls right over where I just used the NYC powder and blend just to give it all a nice glow. And voila. I'm done:) anymore requests let me know. No one really plays very nice on Instagram but if you decide I share it's @prettyaintpretty. Sorry this one was so lengthy btw. I guess I needed to chat. Until next time. Xoxo

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Put on some lipstick and pull yourself together.

Ok so phase one of stressful weeks are over momentarily. So in the hustle and bustle of things I've learned that I enjoy change. Small changes. Big ones scare the dookie outta me but small ones are good. Like lipstick for example. But apparently when you're on a budget going out and buying a new lipstick whenever you get the hankering is not acceptable. Blah! Whatever! So I've been playing with new ways to cover that. I have learned that if I have time to throw on a little foundation, mascara, and lipstick that I feel much prettier than bare naked nothing at all face. Its all about playing with your colors for lipsticks. Stepping out of our boxes can be hard to do. (Especially if you're a high anxiety weirdo like me) however dark purples and plums are the lip color of the season. And I mean who wants to go buy 50 shades of purple (now 50 shades of grey is another story) when you really don't have to. So here's what I've been doing. Twerking. Ok well that's what TWEEKING just got autocorrected to. Miley Cyrus is even taking over my typing skills. Ugh. Anyways tweek this in anyways you see fit and feel free to share you shades and styles by tagging @prettyaintpretty on Instagram. Seriously. DO IT!

Put concealer on your lips. I actually think I used a paint pot by Mac because I like the way it feels more than concealer. 

Next line your lips as normal. And you're done. Ha! Just kidding. Gotcha!

Add any color eyeshadow you please. Mix them if you want. This one is actually 2 shades of purple. I've even seen a green lipstick lately. Not my thing but hey, follow your arrow sister. 

Lastly, add a lips gloss, chap stick, or in my case a tinted lip balm. (I got it in a birch box and I'm like Mariah Carey, OBSESSED.) 

Now go head girl and do your thang. Seriously though. Tag @prettyaintpretty in some Instagram photos so I know people are reading this!! I'll even post my favorites to the blog!!

 Until next time. Xoxo